Alternatively, brain drain is defined as the emigration or migration of talented people with education and skills from developing or underdeveloped countries to developed countries.
As an expert institute, we conduct researches to determine the root causes and problems of the "outflow of young talent" from Ukraine and advocate the implementation of local and national programs recommended to overcome the migration of young people abroad
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Ukrainian youth from Kramatorsk to Hamburg shared their thoughts and experiences regarding the root causes and consequences of the migration of specialists. This is how we created our social research dedicated to the problem of "brain drain" from Ukraine
Among them are young people
7 000 000
Internally displaced persons
5 000 000
Went abroad
Loss of investment
When young people who have opportunities and qualifications move from Ukraine, it discourages investors from investing in the country's development. This affects the country's economic and innovative competitiveness.
Loss of employees
The migration of young people leads to a loss of the labor force in Ukraine, especially if they have qualifications that are difficult to replace. This significantly worsens the economic situation and the state of employment in the country.
Demographic problems
Youth migration worsens the demographic situation in the country, reduces the number of births and increases the aging of the population. This affects public policy, the pension system and other social problems in the country.
Loss of human potential
Migration leads to the loss of Ukraine's human potential, a decrease in the level of education and professional training of the population, as well as a decrease in cultural and intellectual diversity.
Why is this not okay?
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